There is no doubt that breeds such as Bengals, Savannahs, Maine Coons, Siamese, Munchkins and Sphynx have been gaining popularity. Today’s adopters are often quite demanding and want to know everything, from A to Z. To cater to this new clientele, the new generation of breeders must be up-to-date with the latest knowledge with regards to feline behaviour. This enables them to make sure their kittens are correctly socialized and provided with an environment that answers their every need, and they can better educate their customers.
Cat Educator offers several services to breeders who wish to improve their breeding practices, the services they provide to their customers, and their knowledge.
Personalized advice to increase the comfort and wellbeing of your cats
Whether to help the cats get along in your cattery, socialize the kittens, resolve minor behaviour problems, or simply to update your knowledge on the latest scientific advances in feline behaviour, a feline coaching consultation will ensure that you have the best practices and the right answers to give to customers.
The importance of providing complete documentation on the cat’s needs
Breeders often offer advice to their clientele, as well as very detailed documents, to help the kittens adapt to their new family. However, experience has shown that these documents are often lacking, contain errors, or spread myths that can seriously harm cats. Cat Educator offers to revise these documents and suggest edits, or even help rewrite them.
In case of behavioural problems in adopted cats, we can help!
As experienced as a breeder may be, nobody is safe from an adopted kitten presenting behaviour problems once in its adoptive family. Cat Educator can help you with resolving feline behaviour issues to avoid returned cats and unsatisfied customers.
How to improve the environment of my cats for a better wellbeing
By calling on our design department, a professional interior designer will tell you how to upgrade your facilities. She will suggest ways to improve spaces and make their maintenance easier through advice with regards to the materials and articles available on the market. She can also offer simple advice or design new installations or an entire room altogether. Visit our interior design page for more information.
Give your clientele a little je-ne-sais-quoi
Whether to build customer loyalty, thank their customers, or simply to offer them quality advice so that their kittens grow up in well-informed families, Cat Educator offers breeders coupons to give to their customers, for online courses or our general public seminars.
Whatever your needs, we can provide custom-tailored help. Contact us to know more about the very affordable rates of our services.
Special 3 bug-sticks for $25,22 + taxes
IMPORTANT: Specify the 3 models you are buying in the field “Add special instructions for your order”
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